Strategy Stewardship in a Teal Operating System

purpose, power, and pay

Strategy Stewardship in a Teal Operating System

Strategy Stewardship in a Teal Operating System - - Sociocracy For All


Providing frameworks, tools, and best practices for stewarding strategy in a self-managing organization, and how these practices inspired the creation of Fuse, the staffing industry’s first and only platform cooperative.


Edwin Jansen - - Sociocracy For All

Edwin Jansen is the Chief Steward and CEO of Fuse Cooperative, the staffing industry’s first and only platform cooperative. Legally structured as a Limited Cooperative Association, Fuse is owned and managed by the staffing firms and independent recruiters who are its members. This innovative business was born out of the Teal Operating System of a staffing firm, which provided many lessons learned about how to steward strategy in a self-managing organization.
