In this webinar, Ted will talk with Aaron Dignan, co-founder of The Ready and author of the book Brave New Work, about the future of work.
Endenburg and the origins of sociocracy Where did sociocracy begin? The term was first coined in 1851 by French philosopher Auguste Comte,[ to mean “the rule of the associates.” Kees […]
Sociocracy’s Magic Number 3: A Tripartite Triad Tradition Introduction It has been stated time and again that every good story has a beginning, a middle and an end. I don’t know […]
From today I am officially the first certified sociocracy trainer in Poland! My little ego is proud to send this message out to the world. At the same time, what […]
We are observers and participants of a paradigm shift in management. More and more attention is focused on dynamic governance, which slowly, but inevitably replaces the so-called traditional management, hierarchical in the power-over meaning of the word. Different names are being used to describe organizations operating under the new model.
Here’s how not to side-track a meeting, or at least how to find your way back pretty fast with better facilitation!
Governance is never complete and “done”. It needs constant maintenance and fine-tuning. To help you prevent challenges or yo get you past them if you’re already experiencing them, I am […]