The planet is (silently) screaming at you! How to get out of your paralysis and make a difference via your daily life!

May your power be with you

The planet is (silently) screaming at you! How to get out of your paralysis and make a difference via your daily life!

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We are dealing with a slow crisis of climate change. We are used to a crisis being now and urgent and stirring fight or flight hormones that cause us to drop everything and face the imminent problem. So, the difficulty with climate change (and other planetary challenges) is that for most of us the fight or flight hormones are not kicking in. Weโ€™ve already experienced our share of changes to the climate (extraordinary storms, blizzards, floods, etc), and wondered if there’s anything we could do about it? How will we feel when the problems start getting more serious – for example, when the sea level rapidly rises by 66cm – which is predicted to happen between 2025 & 2027!? The climate crisis is a wicked problem that tends to leave us overwhelmed (โ€œwhat can little me do about such a big problem?โ€), uncertain if we can make a difference at all, and if so how?
In the workshop, each participant will create a small experiment in connected climate action that is actionable by the participant. For example, experiments might increase the awareness of the need for urgent action especially among internal and external connections, inspire others to take action NOW on some aspect of this enormous crisis, enable everyone to get feedback on their efforts, etc. We will share the experiment designs with the rest of the conference to get their feedback.


Photo of John Buck

John Buck is an expert in the synthesis of Beyond Budgeting, Open Space, Sociocracy & Agile (BOSSA Nova) and President of GovernanceAlive LLC. His clients span the globe and include plastics manufacturers, colleges and universities, long-term care facilities, co-housing groups, NGOs and software companies. By guiding clients in โ€œrewiringโ€ their basic power structure he helps them toward greater efficiency and increased employee engagement. His background as a former large IT project manager makes him particularly adept at helping tech teams integrate this social technology to improve systems.

John co-authored with Sharon Villines, of the USA, a book about sociocracy titled We the People: Consenting to a Deeper Democracy. Later with Jutta Eckstein, of Germany, he published the book Company-wide Agility with Beyond Budgeting, Open Space & Sociocracy: Survive & Thrive on Disruption. He has nearly completed a third book with Alphonse Mekolo, of Cameroon, titled Governance From Below: Can Children Lead the Way?

The Annual Global Sociocracy Conference 2023 is organized sociocratically by SoFA members

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