Bios: Sheella Mierson, Ph.D., a founding member of The Sociocracy Consulting Group (, helps organizations and individuals design structures, processes, and relationships for creative collaboration, so that everyone can flourish. Sheella has a long term interest in diversity and inclusion in the workplace and organizations.
Ocie Irons works with nonprofits on economic development projects in marginalized neighborhoods where he has provided training, coaching & advisory services to small business owners & entrepreneurs for over a decade. He also works with community-based nonprofits to create centers supporting small-to-medium-sized businesses. Ocie was introduced to sociocracy by Sheella Mierson while working for co-op developer, C2BE.
Description: Sociocracy, with key values of equivalence and transparency, holds promise for improving diversity and inclusion. We will give some ideas of what specific sociocratic practices can contribute to this, and what the challenges might be. We will invite you to share the successes and challenges you and your organization experience in this arena, so that we can all get ideas and even inspiration from each other.
Additional resources:
- Upcoming 2-hour webinar June 24, 2021 — to continue the conversation, with a deeper dive into this topic
- Sources of data on diversity & inclusion
- White paper about sociocracy
- One-pager about rounds
- Contact info for Sheella and Ocie
Sociocracy For All is a 501c3 nonprofit that provides resources and teaches about effective egalitarian self governance. Find out more here. If you enjoyed this video, please consider donating to Sociocracy For All.