The Sociocratic Development Company: how to embed sociocracy into legal structures during the development phase (Leon deVreede)


Presenter Bio

Leon de Vreede is one of the founders of Treehouse Village Ecohousing. Together with his wife Cate and son Dylan, this “burning soul” undertook the initial work to plan the development process and recruit the first members. With a career as a professional planner, Leon specializes in sustainable development projects and now spends his time planning and managing energy transition programs for the town where Treehouse Village is being built.


Learn how the members of one of Canada’s newest cohousing communities, Treehouse Village Ecohousing, have been successfully navigating their development phase as a sociocratically-run housing development company.  By embedding sociocracy directly into its legal structures, the community has created a firm foundation to complete its design process, acquire financing, and start construction.  In doing so, its members have been getting well-practiced at making decisions together long before they become actual neighbours.  Find out how they managed their incorporation process, worked with legal experts, set up a sociocratic Board of Directors, and developed their organizational structure… all while presenting themselves to the outside world as a “standard” development company.