purpose, power, and pay
Transparent, Participatory, Dynamic: How to do money in organizations differently

What are common challenges of organizations aiming to distribute power around budgeting and money? What questions does one need to ask when creating a budgeting system? What practices are out there already for those who want to take an alternative approach to money and finances? In this session, Francesca Pick will share from 10 years of experience and experimentation with transparent and participatory budgeting and money practices within various global networks and communities, as well as her self-organized collective Greaterthan. She’ll share key insights form this work and 5 important design questions for helping you build your organizational budgeting system.

Francesca’s work is dedicated to creating organizing structures and cultures that contribute to a more healthy system for all. As founding partner of Greaterthan, Edmund Hillary Fellow and co-lead at Cobudget, she guides, facilitate, and trains organizations and teams on the topics of participatory governance, network building, self-organizing, collaborative decision-making and budgeting.
Lena is a community builder, facilitator, artist and bodyworker. She is dedicated to creating a future worth living for through enabling meaningful collaboration and supporting the shift towards self-managed work places. She holds transformational spaces in a multiplicity of contexts and facilitates community-centered experiences. The sacred sits at the core of her work.