How to start a group so everyone can have a voice!
“Powerful, tangible, and empowering organizing has never been more needed. Here is a gentle, stepwise guide for how to begin. Drawing on many years of experience and teaching, Ted Rau takes the mystery out of forming effective groups.”
Nathan Schneider
Professor of Media Studies, University of Colorado Boulder
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You can launch a new group in 3 meetings and establish shared power and self-management!
To get off to a good start, start by defining the purpose, and put the infrastructure and practices in place that you will need to decide together so all voices can be heard.
This booklet shows you and your group exactly how to do that.
Any group can form itself using the template outlined in this book. It works especially well if the founders and early members want to grow and nourish an organization that gives every member a voice and is effective.

Why does this matter?
So many groups form. And so many groups fade. What distinguishes those groups that grow and flourish from those that fade and fail?
The success factors are well-studied, even though the lessons learned hardly make it into the design of those who start groups. That makes sense – groups form because people feel the urgency for change in an area of their attention, not because they are experts in how to start a group.
Yet, starting a group can be learned – and this book is your guide into the unknown!
3 meetings to get started

- Commitment to consent
- Commitment to rounds
- Decide your aim
- Get to know each other
- Formally start the circle

- Select who is doing what
- Build the infrastructure
- Write your list of topics
- Decide where to start
- Invite new members?

- Stay coherent
- Bud out and differentiate
- Get started on action!
- Review, reflect and improve
- Your group is now self-managed!

What others say…
Look inside of Who Decides Who Decides!
- 119 pages
- color illustrations
- softcover, 6×9
- each meeting explained with examples

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