Why self-governance? Why self-empathy? And why now?

Language: Espaรฑol

(written Aug 12 2020)

2020 has been quite a year so far! As a parent, one of the most heartbreaking moments for me in these last months has been to see my kids trying to wrap their heads around the fact that grown-ups have no idea whatโ€™s going to happen. And I donโ€™t mean 5 or 10 years into the future, I mean whatโ€™s going to happen in 6 weeks. Let me correct that โ€” whatโ€™s going to happen in two weeks. Never mind. I mean this weekend.

Of course, weโ€™ve always known that we only have today, and tomorrow is uncertain. But itโ€™s never been in our face so much. My kids ask me what will we do in September. I say, โ€œI donโ€™t knowโ€. And they just ask again. Until I say, โ€œWe actually donโ€™t knowโ€ Because nobody knows.

Whatever will play out will be complex (referring to the Cynefin framework). Our life has become volatile, uncertain. Full of complexity and ambiguity.

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Why self-governance now

We already know that centralized, top-down structures donโ€™t do well with complexity and uncertainty. A centralized structure will lack resilience when the center fails. Itโ€™s oblivious to the information at the periphery. A top-down structure canโ€™t possibly adapt as easily โ€” just like a group of climbers all tied together. One falls, we all fall. Thatโ€™s where we need decentralized self-organization. Instead of tying us all together onto one rope, we form pods, and weโ€™re each part of several rope teams. Instead of waiting for an outside authority, rope teams can form as theyโ€™re needed. A resilient, interdependent web of relationships!

Many of us have been reading a lot about statistics and infections, testing, and early symptoms. We all depend on high-quality information. Thatโ€™s why information has to be free and global โ€” getting access to information everywhere.

At the same time, decision-making has moved to a more local level already. For example, school districts make decisions with a lot of impact, and those regulations differ from one town to the next. While patchwork is confusing, whatโ€™s true is this: local agreements have to respond to the local condition. Itโ€™s the only thing that makes sense.

Since things are so complex right now, time is really over now for simple answers. The phrase Iโ€™ve become most triggered by recently is, โ€œwhy donโ€™t you simplyโ€ฆ?โ€. Because thereโ€™s no โ€œsimplyโ€! Itโ€™s hard to operate in this interdependent, entangled mess! If youโ€™re new to the topic of complexity, hereโ€™s a simple presentation about VUCA skills that I highly recommend.

Sociocracy is a tool that helps stay operable in complexity because itโ€™s decentralized. You donโ€™t need the big boss telling us simple solutions. You canโ€™t draft a perfect 5-year strategy right now and implement it top-down. That would be pointless. Instead, itโ€™s time to sense in all the different places and to feel our way forward, continually checking โ€œIs this working? What happens when I do this thing? Or this?โ€ Itโ€™s not just a better way. Itโ€™s becoming the only manageable way right now: many decisions in many places, incremental steps, and learning from experience, making guesses about what might be going on. Decentralized governance like sociocracy allows for that โ€” like a flexible web that absorbs a shockwave more easily.


Sadly, for the last few months, my older kids have been in different stages and expressions of mental health crises. The more concerned I got, the shorter my fuse got. It wasnโ€™t just me. The tone of some of my neighbors got rougher. Peopleโ€™s work got sloppier. Conflicts arose that could have been smoothened out.

And I realized: Thatโ€™s what life is like when everyone is just a little more โ€” or a lot more โ€” under strain than usual.

I personally donโ€™t think the strain will decrease any time soon. After covid, there isnโ€™t a happy vaccinated utopia. Sure, there will be dancing again at some point. But the systemic issues and the tensions arenโ€™t going away. Think climate. Think inequality. Think divisiveness.

So whatโ€™s coming will not be easier. More people will have fewer inner resources and more external strain. If we donโ€™t want to fall apart, we have to up our game. Just like decision-making canโ€™t stay centralized, empathy and emotional caretaking need to be accessible in a decentralized way. With needs rising, the model of โ€œI have an issue, but Iโ€™ll only talk to my therapist about itโ€ will be maxed out pretty quickly.

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One of my kids learned DBT and CBT skills in recovery โ€” and wow, she is becoming a great resource to me, coaching me through some tough moments.

One of my kids learned mindfulness practices and in his first-grade class, and heโ€™s a great resource to us all. When I am upset, he tells me to pause, take a breath, and then imagine the smell of popcorn. It works. And itโ€™s local, right here in my kitchen, for free!

This is the time to learn Nonviolent Communication, Acceptance and Commitment work, Reflective Listening, Restorative Circles, mindfulness practices โ€” whatever it is, weโ€™ll need it. All of it. This is not about finding the perfect tool. The time is now to get those good-enough tools into the hands of people everywhere. Disperse them. Blueprint, prototype, and make available. So they can be lived and used locally. If my 7-year old can be a resource, you can too!


I find that what keeps me running right now is not hope. It is purpose.

There have been many mornings where I was wondering what the point was in getting out of bed. Who would even know whether I showed up? What becomes more important now is how weโ€™re connecting to ourselves and to what we care about. Sometimes I think itโ€™s maybe all weโ€™ve got. Now that the noise of ordinary life is gone, and the entertaining distractions are gone, thatโ€™s what remains: The people we love, the causes we care about.

In that way, the time crunch and crisis mode feel clarifying. Between all the to-dos that come with having a family and commitments, I want to have all my available time spent on meaningful work in the context of meaningful relationships. Because otherwise, I will run out of steam. I drop everything I donโ€™t really want to do. I cut everything that isnโ€™t moving forward. Shitty meetings have always been a waste of time, but now they are unbearable.

Those who are forced to attend a lousy meeting figure out a way to set up a screen next to the zoom camera, so it looks like theyโ€™re engaged while really, theyโ€™re playing Minecraft.

Thereโ€™s a lot of talking about how workplaces have become more accepting of people having actual needs. The kid walking into the zoom call, the sick dog, worries about their parentโ€™s health โ€” people have always had a life in addition to the professional facade at work. But now you canโ€™t ignore it anymore. Itโ€™s in our face, and itโ€™s plain unrealistic to ignore it.

In the long run, my hope is that it will pay off to treat employees well, and command-and-control will have run its course. Temporarily, this shift might be eaten up because so many people are desperate to have an income. But itโ€™s not a shift that can be ignored in the long run.

So when our work and a few other places are our only points of human connection, they better be worth it. The person youโ€™re in a meeting with today might only have you as a point of human contact today. Weโ€™re it. Weโ€™re it, together and for each other.

Nothing is new. And yet, all is new. Uncertainty and complexity seemed abstract to me last year. Now itโ€™s day-to-day business.

Decentralized governance like sociocracy isnโ€™t an over-idealistic option anymore. In the same way, caring workplaces that meet our need for meaningful connections arenโ€™t a nice-to-have now, and meaningful work isnโ€™t a lofty goal. This is now real. And itโ€™s time to show up for that.
