Still looking for the perfect governance system? Stop overthinking. Start doing. Improve from there.
Decision-making methods help groups make decisions. There are different decision-making methods – but none of them fell from the sky. Think for example, about parliamentary procedures. They are human-made, abstract […]
The sociocratic meeting format featured on Sociocracy For All streamlines meetings into three distinct phases: opening for readiness, content for agenda handling, and closing for evaluations. This method enhances meeting efficiency and decision-making.
There are two kinds of people I interact with: those who are convinced that better organizations make better people. And those who are convinced that better people make better organizations. The answer is probably — as usual — somewhere in the realm of both-and.
Many organizations are intrigued by the idea of self-management using circle-based frameworks and other decision making tools from sociocracy. However, it can be intimidating to implement those methods. You’ll have […]
Long meetings are a pain. Let’s make them shorter. Here are the tools that sociocracy has to offer.
3 decisions every young organization will make. They will happen either way, either consciously with a good and inclusive system, or unconsciously with old biases kicking in. Which would you rather do?
Can one just pick and choose from sociocracy and build your own governance system? Or is it a package deal and one has to use ALL the tools?
Stop overthinking. Start doing. Improve from there.
This is a step-by-step guide to designing a circle structure when you want to transition your existing organization to sociocracy.