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Jan. – Feb. 2023 Writer’s Workshop

21/02/2023 @ 11:0012:30 EST

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Want to brush up on your writing skills and have a chance to be published? SoFA is offering a Writer’s Workshop! Join a small group of other writers for mutual support in writing articles to be published on the SoFA website. We will do fun writing exercises, give each other feedback, hold each other accountable to our goals, and have time to write together.

  • Participants limited to 6.
  • Five sessions, weekly on Tuesdays from Jan 24th-Feb 21st, 2022
  • 16:00-17:30 UTC (11 -12:30 EST), 1-hour meeting with optional 30-minute co-working session.
  • Enroll for a $20 optional donation.
  • Send any questions you may have to hope.wilder@sociocracyforall.org.

See local time zones below:

Writer’s Workshop Testimonials:

“I found the writer‘s workshop to be incredibly supportive and helped me complete a writing project.  I felt a sense of group support and community with my fellow writers, and the weekly meetings helped hold me accountable to my goals.”

“This workshop was a perfect way to channel my enthusiasm for sociocracy, and deepen my understanding of why it matters to me. Getting feedback from others in the group was energizing, and it was great to be in the company of fellow writers and sociocracy fans!”
“The writer’s workshop combines three great things: writing, sociocracy, and meaningful time with people who are aiming to change the world. Plus it’s fun!”
“The writer’s workshop is a supportive environment to explore your choice of topic through the lens of sociocracy. It’s been a well curated space providing peer-feedback and inspiration.”

About the Facilitators

Hope Wilder, author of Let’s Decide Together, is the group facilitator. She has taught the workshops for two years and has written several articles and webpages for SoFA in addition to an academic research paper.
Jack Hart, professional editor and once and future host of the NVCpractice.com podcast, will be in the role of offering his curiosity to writers and his feedback on their writing.

Sign up via the form below.

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11:00 – 12:30 EDT
Event Category: