Community of Practice: Sociocratic Intentional Communities

Find your people!Advocates for Sociocracy in Community is our community of practice for Intentional Communities. We meet on Zoom once a month to support each other in using sociocracy in our co-housing, ecovillages, or other intentional communities. We discuss themes such as how to implement sociocracy, conflict resolution, policy vs operations, managing objections, and much […]

Academy 2 (Level 2)

SoFA Zoom (Multi-Room)

Learn how to train and implement sociocracy! Requires facilitators certification. 2h sessions every two weeks for 5 months


Free Introduction: What is sociocracy?

Are you tired of power games in your organizations? Do you have hope that collaboration in organizations could bring out the best in people?Do you think organizations could be places of synergy, collaboration, growth, and deep and authentic connection?This webinar is giving an overview of sociocracy. We will talk about:TeacherThis introduction will be taught by […]