Sociocracy in Communities Conference 2021
November, 20, 2021
Community is at the same time simple and really complicated. We want to enjoy a more connected life together, deep in relationships with each other and the earth. What could be more simple than that? It’s what people have done for thousands of years!
Yet, we all know that community comes with the need to organize, figure out sometimes tricky questions: making financial and design questions together, talking about pets, parenting, parking, meetings and community work.
Communities benefit from the special design of sociocracy of making decisions together while preparing the way for action, making sociocracy an often-used option for governance of communities all over the world. It’s used in North America, South America, Europe and the rest of the world.
Different speakers – all deeply immersed into community – will share their insights and practical tools. It’s a time to connect with others and see the big movement we’re all part of – a better world with healing relationships, resource sharing, and a self-chosen way of living.
Program in english

Conference recordings
All Things SoFA Organizational Membership with Shala Massey
Language: Español PortuguêsJoin SoFA’s Organizational Membership Administrator, Shala Massey, for an overview of Sociocracy for All’s Organizational Membership program. Recording is not available. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Open Q&A with Jerry Koch-Gonzalez and members of Advocates Community of Practice
Language: Español PortuguêsJoin Jerry Koch-Gonzalez and members of Advocates Community of Practice for an open Q&A session. The Advocates for Sociocracy in Community is a Sociocracy for All Community of […]
FIC, CohoUS, & GEN networking session
Language: Español PortuguêsJoin Keala Young (Global Ecovillage Network), Neil Planchon (Foundation for Intentional Community), and Alan O’Hashi (Cohousing Association of America) to learn more about how these organizations support, educate, […]
Role Review Process – Cohousing Hamilton (Kathleen Livingston)
Language: Español Português Presenter Bio Kathleen Livingston, spent most of her career in middle management in the not-for-profit sector. Having certified as a Master Gardener, upon retirement she started […]
Comunidade Terramã (Lucas Jones)
Language: Español PortuguêsDescrição: A roupagem jurídica das comunidades e suas consequências. Abertura de um espaço de conversa para relato de membros de comunidades sobre a questão da formalização e organização […]
The Sociocratic Development Company: how to embed sociocracy into legal structures during the development phase (Leon deVreede)
Language: Español Português Presenter Bio Leon de Vreede is one of the founders of Treehouse Village Ecohousing. Together with his wife Cate and son Dylan, this “burning soul” undertook the […]
Facilitating Objections (Jerry Koch-Gonzalez)
Language: Español Português Description What to do when objections to proposals arise from inside the Circle or from community members outside the Circle? We will explore a variety of […]
Conflict Happens. Expect it! (Gina Simm and Mandy Parry)
Language: Español Português Presenter Bios Gina Simm is a recently retired first grade teacher living in the Pioneer Valley Cohousing Community in Amherst, Massachusetts. She is the leader of […]
The Missing Part in the Coliving Model (Alex Soto)
After having experienced several coliving projects (as an employee and resident), I realize that dynamic governance is a key piece for the model to work.
Meaningful orientations to sociocracy in communities that have adopted sociocracy (Lauren Lake, Stefani Danes, and Craig Mosher)
So you’ve rolled out Sociocracy in your community. Whether it was years ago or just last month, you probably participated in some sort of training as a group and had opportunities to practice and develop your skills together. Now a new member household joins your community? What do you do for them?
Sociocracy and Diversity: How Education and Access Can Support Inclusivity (Crystal Byrd Farmer)
Intentional communities value inclusivity, but sociocratic practices can be a barrier to those with less education, different first languages, and other backgrounds. This workshop will be an interactive discussion on ways sociocracy can be used with all types of people in the service of community.
Health Check: reviewing and improving your implementation (Jerry Koch-Gonzalez)
Language: Español Português Presenter Bio Jerry Koch-Gonzalez is a co-founder of Sociocracy For All and a founding resident of the 27-year old Pioneer Valley Cohousing Community. Description In this […]
Cultivating a Sociocratic Indigenous led Resource Group (Kris Stevens)
What does it mean to move together at the speed of trust? Can a team of settlers and indigenous consultants, along with their client communities use sociocracy to become a leading non-profit resources group with the capacity to co-create resilient housing, energy, training and planning solutions that address the climate and social justice challenges of…
Full Circle Evolution (Cate de Vreede and Lauren Lake)
The size of Treehouse Village Ecohousing’s Full Circle has tripled since it was formed. During its development, this cohousing community has transitioned from all members participating in most major decisions, to a Full Circle which is largely a forum for social community-building, learning and fun. Hear what we do when we meet as a whole…
How to Start a Community Sociocratically (Ted Rau)
Language: Español Português Presenter Bio Ted Rau is a sociocracy trainer and consulting. He has worked with dozens of cohousing communities in all stages and he has lived in […]
Hearing everyone – how to dance the dance between the plenary and small groups (Ted Rau)
patterns of how a proposal can flow between the small work circle and the plenary (or all-member meeting). The patterns are useful to let many voices flow into a proposal while still keeping circles focused on moving their work forward.
Third Time’s a Charm: What it took to launch a cohousing community (Cate de Vreede)
After two failed attempts, the de Vreede’s knew it was going to take a different approach to beat the odds and form the cohousing community of their dreams. In this presentation, Cate will share the piece of advice that made the difference in setting up their 3rd launch for success. She’ll also share why she…
Merging the Board and the General Circle (Denis Côté)
Cohabitat Québec bought land in 2010 and moved in in 2013. Since the beginning, we have been using the Sociocratic Circle-organization Method (SCM) with 6 functional circles, a general circle and a mission circle (legal board). With years of experience and a lengthy reflection, we decided to bring the board into the general circle. We…
Power and Transparency in Intentional Community (John Schinnerer)
Transparency is a foundational value of the Sociocratic Circle-organization Method (SCM). Power is an unavoidable element of human relatings. Intentional community is consistently a crucible for issues of transparency and power. We will explore concepts and aspects of power in human interactions and how they relate with our experiences in community and elsewhere. We will…
The “Four Necessary Conditions” to Use Sociocracy Effectively in Intentional Communities (Diana Leafe Christian)
Language: Español Português Presenter Bio Diana Leafe Christian teaches sociocracy to intentional communities and member-led groups. Author of Creating a Life Together: Practical Tools to Grow Ecovillages and Intentional […]
Thank you to our partners, Foundation for Intentional Community and The Cohousing Association of America.
Make a Donation
Your donation helps us provide scholarships to make training affordable to all, ensure sociocracy is accessible to speakers of all languages and from all different backgrounds, and empower change-makers with the tools needed to transform their sectors.

We are committed to affordability
Given the vast inequality on our planet, affordability is something we care about for our global event. If you would like to attend this conference but have a hard time affording the tickets, please contact events@sociocracyforall.org to get a discount.
Members of Sociocracy For All receive free tickets.
Organizational members get 25% off conference tickets. Are you a member of a sociocratic community or organization, check out SoFA’s Organizational Learners Membership.